Advisor Adventures

Martin Travel - Advisor Adventures with Missy Sharp - Viking Cruises - Danube Waltz Itinerary

Cruising the Danube with Viking

Missy Sharp, Travel Advisor at Martin Travel, took a Viking cruise on the Danube River last summer. She visited four European countries—Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany—on Viking's Danube Waltz itinerary aboard the Viking Vilhjalm.

On Viking's Danube Waltz itinerary, you can soak up soothing steam at a Budapest thermal bath. Learn to waltz at a Viennese dance school. Savor Austro-Hungarian cuisine in Vienna and Budapest. Admire the Wachau Valley’s beauty. Explore lesser-known Central European cities like Bratislava and Passau. And witness daily life in an abbey on an exclusive visit to Göttweig.

We asked Missy to share what she likes about river cruising and what it's like to take a Viking cruise on the Danube.

What do you like about river cruising—and in particular, cruising with Viking?

I love river cruising because it’s so easy. You get off the plane, and a Viking representative meets you right after you go through customs. They get you to the ship, where you’re treated like family. Within hours, the staff members know your name. They remembered—after the first day—my dining preferences, such as having Earl Grey tea every morning. That’s what I like most about Viking River Cruises: the staff.

Another good thing about river cruising in general is that you unpack only once. You visit a different place each day, and your floating luxury hotel room comes right along with you. Also, river cruising brings people from all walks of life together, and you make friends from all over the world. You end up sitting down and having dinner or going on a tour and getting to know each other.

What were some of your favorite highlights on the Danube Waltz itinerary?

My boyfriend and I started our cruise in Budapest, which is a beautiful city. I especially liked going to the ruin bars, abandoned buildings that have been reclaimed and turned into nightclubs. Slovakia was a pleasant surprise. I didn't know anything about the country beforehand, but I really liked Bratislava, the capital, which is surrounded by vineyards and the Little Carpathian Mountains.

I was so excited to visit Vienna; it’s such a grand city. Seeing the Lipizzaner horses there was amazing. The small town of Krems, Austria, was another happy surprise. We got to visit the Benedictine Abbey of Göttweig, which was gorgeous and surrounded by apricot trees. We sampled the apricot jams and wines they produce.

Linz, Austria, was very quiet, and it felt like we had the place to ourselves. In Passau, Germany, we wandered along the narrow cobblestone streets, browsing in the shops; I bought a fun piece of art, a mask.

I like getting a feel for the places I visit, and the cruise gave me the chance to do that.


Why do you like to travel?

Travel is important because it introduces you to other ways of life. If you don’t travel, you are stuck in your own bubble. It’s rewarding to experience other cultures and meet new people.


Why do you enjoy being a travel advisor?

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of traveling with my family. I want to help my clients create those types of happy memories, too.

Want to learn more about Viking River Cruises or plan your adventure?

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